Tuesday, October 4, 2011


In overtime this warrior stands
His stance wavering, sweat glistening,
Lungs burning
His body screams for a moments
His mind has also been yelling to him
From round one:

"Useless, useless,
It is only one battle, you can end it
Now! Your choice: an easy, quick choice,
Give in, let go, relax, roll over
Besides, you never really did have a chance
It's useless, useless"

This warrior once again sizes up
His opponent
Muscles rippling and a smile curving
His lips, why this foe is a giant!
Did he ever even have a chance?

Is he a fool to even fight?
The adversary's eyes seemed to say:

"Useless, useless,
It is only one battle, you can end it
Now! Your choice: an easy, quick choice,
Give in, let go, relax, roll over
Besides, you never really did have a chance
It's useless, useless"

His foe's coach even seemed
To count this fight as over
The crowd looked at him
With no hope-- besides one
She looked at him, knuckles white
Her eyes burned with an inner fire
And also with an unspoken message:

"This fight has not ended
You will finish strong,
Your Strength will be your Glory
Keep your head held high,
You will be victorious--
Unless you choose not to be
Do not lose heart, Choose Courage!"

Her message is clear
But how can he continue this
Fight when so many think
It useless?
He eyes then turned to his Coach
He looked confident and understanding
He said:

"This fight has not ended
You will finish strong,
Your Strength will be your Glory
Keep your head held high,
You will be victorious--
Unless you choose not to be
Do not lose heart, Choose Courage!"

Just then,
The whistle blew, the warriors
Rushed towards each other
The battle was over
One victorious, the other defeated
One coach stunned, the Other smiling
Who won? You choose.

"... the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong..."
  - Ecclesiastes 9:11

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