Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clothed As Daisies

     One day, I hope each and every one of you can drive down the road on which I live.  If my heart could describe a paradise, it would be this road in the glory of summery spring.  I’ll try to paint a picture for you.  Lining our small, secluded private road are trees—trees that reach to the skies with moss covering their trunks.  At their base, on one side is a creek; the other side that swirling water of the creek, progresses into a waterfall.  Moss covered rocks, delicate to monstrous trees—birds, crickets and frogs croaking creating a symphony of your senses—the sight it indescribable.  In all honesty it is so beautiful.  However, while all of this is magnificent in its beauty; what I love so much about our private drive leading up to our house, are the daisies standing on the side of the road.

On both sides of the road, I kid you not; hundreds of daisies stand bunched together in a sea of white and sunny yellow.  They so much overcrowd the sides of the road that it is almost as if they are reaching out to touch you as you walk or drive by.  The majesty of daisies is amazing because you can almost hear them singing.  While they merely reach up to your knee in height, these tiny beauties complete the masterpiece painting of my private road.  I could sit and stare forever at the wonder of it all.  I feel as though my heart could stay there forever.
    On our way to church one morning, I was describing to my family how much I loved the growing daisies, and how I was glad our new neighbors moved in at just the right time—the daisies are blooming!  To my great dismay, quite literally, simply a few hours later, when my family was driving home from church that sunny morning—I witnessed a terrible tragedy.  As we drove up the road, I began to notice branches and leaves scattered over the road; and as we got closer my heart stopped.  The daisies were being mowed down by the very neighbors I was happy for just hours earlier.
     I almost got out of my car to politely (while internally screaming) and asked them if they disliked daisies.  I could have cried.  The beauty in which I thought my heart could behold for the rest of my days were being torn down; only to remain flattened grass and a sprinkling of left over daises that sit upon the hill.  I could almost imagine the daisies crying the next morning on my way to school.  Surely it was merely the morning mist that sat upon their petals; but it may as well have been tears.  I felt as if my paradise was gone until next spring came to bloom.
     This may sound silly, and a bit overdramatized, and who knows, it may be.  But that is how I saw it.  I am sentimental and a romantic—I see my life through the eyes of my heart.  To me, everything is beautiful.  And my private road appealed so much to my poetic sensibilities that my heart grew to love it as a paradise.  And not until my neighbors cut down the daisies did I realize, where I live isn’t a paradise.  While I believe God designed it with us on His heart, the woven grasses, trees and leaves aren’t the paradise—these will fade.  And while my heart tries to forgive my new neighbors; in a way I want to thank them.
     Like almost everything in life, the dream of a drive I get to witness everyday as I come home is a reflection.  A reflection of a bigger picture.  A psychologist once said that Micro-systems reflect Macro-systems.  Or in other words, small things always reflect something bigger.  And that is what I am learning through the pushing of my daisies (pun intended); my heart can see that it longs for a bigger masterpiece just as C.S. Lewis once wrote in his book, Mere Christianity, “If I find myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”       The beauty of the world and surrounding galaxies are almost too much for my heart to handle.  Oh, the beauty that surrounds me.  But this Micro-system world is reflecting a bigger Macro-system.
     I love my sea of daisies, but it will not last: seasons change, cold winter blows through, neighbors come with mowers; something will come to make my heart see—this world and I were not meant to be.  I have somewhere I am heading toward.  A place where the bird’s songs will join with angels’ singing; golden sun will become the face of my Savior.  The smile of the King will shine upon me, the sound of rushing water makes me clean.  The tall trees and their harmony, will join with Heaven’s melody.  Sweeter honey for my soul, greener grass and the reddest of rose, sparkling white and shimmering gold—The Place my spirit longs for.
     Oh, just the name makes my heart glow and my spirit flutter.  It has taken me hours to write this, because each time I think about writing this to you; I end up on my knees.  Thanking my Savior and begging please, Jesus, take us Home.  I love thinking about the Day in which the body of Christ stands as one at the feet of His throne.  No longer will we have to imagine what His face looks like; for He is smiling right at us.
     He will take us by the hands and lead us through the private drive He has prepared for us.  His heart is glowing upon us, warming our hearts as the sun had done on earth; with just His touch, He settles our restless spirits.  With each step, our blindness is clearing, ever revealing brilliant colors we hadn’t noticed before.  We can hear the words to the chirp of birds and hear the praise in the breeze we’ve felt.  All of it becoming clear: every sense alive.
     He leads us through His majesty, and all at once, we gather around Him as one: clothed in sparkling white, with a drop of sunshine glowing from within us; golden, reflecting the Son.  We huddle closer to one another, with our faces turned upward, and our beings reaching out.  Reaching out as one, in our new way to praise, for we are in His presense.  And clothed as daisies, in sparkling white.  But unlike any other daisies, we will no longer pass and fade for we are staring into Eternity’s face and we are real.  Finally free, and alive to feel that we have reached the place in which our hearts were destined:

“Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.”    -   Revelation 19:7

“Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”   - Luke 23:43

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